Monday, February 9, 2015



The Naples-Fort Myers Tour  is entering its 4th Season. 2014 was a great year for USA placing in 2nd Place in the World Amateur Golfers Invitational and in 3rd place in the World Amateur Golfers Championship held in Durban South Africa. USA's best finish in the 20 history of the event.

The World Amateur Golfers Championship is the world's most prestigious amateur team/individual tournament founded by 4 time Olympic legend Sven Tumba. Mr Tumba had a dream to create an Olympic experience for the average person to feel the joy and honor to play for ones country in sport. The World Amateur Golfers Championship is that dream. 

The Naples-Fort Myers Tour will feature approx twenty 18 hole events per year in the South West Florida region.  Five 36 hole Majors across the US,  54 hole USA National Championship and all 5 National Champions will win an all expense paid trip to represent the USA at the 72 hole World Amateur Golfers Championship. 

Members will compete for prizes, trophies and points at all events through out the year and in addition can also win the following:

  • Player of the Year- Winner of FREE HOTEL AND AIRFARE to the National Championship*   

  • Local Order of Merit- Members compete to earn points to earn an exemptions to win FREE ENTRY into the USA National Championship.

  • Team Naples Fort Myers - the top five most dedicated members will represent their home tour as a team to compete at Nationals for the Team National Championship award the Tumba Trophy.           

  • Team USA with an ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP to complete against 44 other countries at the 21st World Amateur Golfers Championship held in .........TBD (Vietnam or Turkey).

For Your Chance to Participate in the Most Prestigious Amateur Team-Individual Tournament  in the World
2015 Naples-Fort Myers Champions
Oralando Hernadez James L Stockman Frank Monaco        

Team-Naples Fort Myers
Greg MacGraw, Oscar Rafols
Keith Varney, Jeremay Walker
Angela Walker.

2012 1st Place 2013 1st Place 2014 2nd Place

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